Sunday, October 24, 2010

Mini Lessons taught via TV Episodic Sitcoms

After lecture on Wednesday, I had a greater understanding of how distinct the characteristics of popular TV sitcoms. One of the characteristics that we discussed was the idea of each episode having a "mini-resolution" at the end of each show. The mini-resolution coincides with the idea that the conflicts in sitcoms are not continual. Each show has a small conflict, usually between two main characters, that is almost always resolved in one way or another by the end of the 30 minute program. In many shows, particularly sitcoms aimed at children, the mini-resolutions provide a mini-lesson of sorts to teach its viewers. The mini-resolution gives the viewers a feeling that the episode came full circle from being to end, and allows its viewers to be able to watch episodes without necessarily seeing the one that was aired the previous week since the conflicts are rarely continual.

One of my favorite shows growing up was Full House. Each episode of Full House had a mini-resolution that offered its children viewers a valuable, but indeed cheesy, lesson about growing up. For example, recently, on a Full House re-run I watched on ABC Family, the littlest girl in Full House was attempting to learn how to ride a bike, but she fell off and got hurt during her first attempt (the conflict). In the final scene of the episode, the little girl learns from her trusty uncle that giving up isn't the answer, and that she must have confidence and courage in order to tackle the task of learning how to ride her bike. The little girl learned that the feeling of achievement once she conquers riding her bike will make her failed attempts worth it (the resolution and lesson). Each episode had similar situations and solutions for the various members of the family. The lessons varied depending on the characters' ages and interests, which made the show appealing to kids of all ages and lead to the shows undeniable success despite its cheesy writing and plot lines.

I have attached an article that vouches for the many lessons kids have learned via Full House and its use of mini-resolutions within each episode.

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