Monday, August 30, 2010

Why RTF @ Utexas?!?

Hey Everyone!!

My name is Brooke Mori and I just transferred to UTexas from NYU! When I was a student at NYU I majored in Music Business, which played a large role in why I transferred all the way from New York City to Austin. The NYU Music Business major was a very small program, specifically focused on the music industry as a small business within the entertainment industry. After spending two years in the program I knew that I wanted to broaden my studies to include the entire entertainment industry, rather than just the music business. When I began researching schools with entertainment programs I immediately was intrigued by the RTF program at UT. When I came to visit I fell in love with the campus feel, the sporting events and the sense of school spirit.... all things that NYU lacked, in my personal opinion. 

So, I applied to UTexas..... received word of my admission..... and made the move from 

          the Empire State                            to                           the Lonestar State


This semester I hope to learn about ALL aspects of the entertainment industry, the fundamentals of film and television and how all the small sectors of the entertainment industry intertwine on a daily basis.

At NYU I spent most of my time looking at music blogs and sites. This was my favorite last year.... although, I hope to find new favorites with a broader knowledge of the entertainment industry after completing RTF 305!

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